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Top 10 Fitness Trends for 2019


By Cinder Ernst–

Here are the top 10 fitness trends for 2019, according to a survey done by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) of their certified fitness professionals. ACSM is currently one of the top-rated fitness certifications.

  1. Wearable Technology

The merging of fitness and technology is here to stay. Smart watches, fitness trackers and heart monitors are commonplace. So many people love to know how many steps they’ve taken on any given day. Be careful about comparing yourself to someone else; this is never a good idea. Also, generally recommended guidelines may not be right for you. Call me old-fashioned, but I am a fan of learning how to listen to your body and giving it what it’s asking for. If you find you are beating yourself up with the fitness tracker, take it off for a little bit.

  1. Group Training

This is any workout with more than five participants. Online group workout classes help to keep group training in the top 10. As a personal trainer, I used to offer early morning workout groups at the popular before-work times, and we all loved that option. Having a group keeps the energy flowing and builds community.

  1. HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)

HIIT training involves short bursts of high-intensity bouts of exercise followed by a short period of rest. HIIT workouts are usually 30 minutes or less. The main point is to get a quick and very efficient workout, and you can do it anywhere. Google HIIT and check out the living room workout. I have been training like this for years without calling it HIIT because I like the idea of working harder in less time. Lately I use circuit strength training, an interval workout on the stationary bike and a few rounds of shadow boxing.

  1. Fitness Programming for Older Adults

I guess this is a trend as we all get older. Keep moving and reap the numerous health benefits that come with being active, not the least of which is being able to have more fun!

  1. Bodyweight Training

This fitness modality uses your bodyweight for resistance, like push-ups, planks and chin-ups. I love being able to work out anywhere and not need any equipment.

  1. Employing Certified Fitness Professionals

I remember that when I started my personal training business in 1988, there was no personal training certification. I participated in the first official one-on-one certification by the American Council of Exercise in 1990. ACSM was already in play for sports physicians and later became a leading certification for fitness professionals in 1995. Always better to hire a pro!

  1. Yoga!

Need I say more? How about Goat Yoga?

  1. Personal Training

Personal training has been trending upward for decades and now many of us do online personal training to make it more accessible. As I write this, tomorrow is my last day training people at my Fitness SF gym location and I will go exclusively online. For 30 years I’ve been working in a San Francisco gym … feels like the ending of an era and a new beginning, too.

  1. Functional Fitness Training

This mode of training endeavors to make activities of daily living easier as it mimics the motions. For instance, step ups can make climbing upstairs easier. Squatting can make getting up from a chair or the toilet easier. I love training for a fun activity also. Since my hip replacement in December, I’ve been sitting on my motorcycle getting my range of motion back and the strength to hold up my bike.

  1. Exercise Is Medicine

This is ACSM’s global health initiative that encourages healthcare providers to help their patients to get on a regime and analyze physical activity as part of regular check-ups. Since ACSM commissioned the survey, it’s a bit self-serving, but still good for all. I personally think that using exercise as medicine takes the fun out of it and makes it one more thing we “should” do. Maybe our doctors could encourage us just to have more fun!

Cinder Ernst, Medical Exercise Specialist and Life Coach Extraordinaire, helps reluctant exercisers get moving with safe, effective and fun programs. Her book, “Easy Fitness for the Reluctant Exerciser” ( http://cinderernst.com/easy-fitness-book/ ), is available in paperback and E-book. She specializes in fitness and rehab for plus-size clients, but her stress-free approach is suitable for all. Find out more at http://cinderernst.com

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